Monday, December 19, 2011

White Elephant Party

Saturday. 6:45 am

Brian and I started this past Saturday morning a 6:45 am, in the quest of great deals while garage saling. The pickings were slim and while we went to a lot, we only found one item of particular interest.
Dragging myself out of bed that early on a Saturday rivals with impossible, but it is always worth it and I enjoy the time with my boyfriend.

Noon Thirty-ish

Home from our garage saling adventures, I made lunch and then we went into party-prep mode. We must have gone to walmart two or three times for all of the "last minute" things.
I am so glad that David's girlfriend, Jenny was there. I needed an artistic female perspective and help. I love Brian, but I have seen him wrap presents, I didn't think he was quite up for my wrapping ideas:

Apt. 906

Beer Pong Ready. With covert beer pong ball recovery
 in the form of wrapping paper

We were ready, complete with beer cooler and wrapping paper in an attempt to keep the ping pong balls on the patio.

We also wanted to keep our guests in line, so we put up some signs.
Courtesy of Jenny

We had a strict "no puking" rule in our house. Not in the bathroom, not on the patio. Fortunately, this was one thing that stayed intact.

I made a noxious hunch punch of 153 grain alcohol, Hawaiian Punch and orange juice. There was approximately 2 gallons and every drop was gone by the end of the night. I am not sure that everyone heeded my warning sign:

Overall, I think the night was a great success. We were most definitely at capacity for my poor little apartment, however, no cops were called, nothing was broken and no one got seriously ill. Hosting a party is definitely a lot more... taxing... than just attending, and by 3 in the morning, I was partied out, but fun was had by all.

In other news, Saturday was exciting for another reason... My ring came! Brian ordered me this amazing handmade ring from Etsy. I had shown it to him months ago, and he remembered and got it for me for Christmas =] He also got me some beautiful gold swallow earrings, I will post pictures of the earrings later.

I love my ring so much. And my boyfriend for really listening to me <3
 All my friends chastised me for my investigative work in figuring out my present, they claim I "ruined" Christmas, but Christmas should not be solely based on the presents anyways.

The next week is going to be less than enjoyable. I am not working that much, however, Brian will be working every night until he leaves for St. Pete on Saturday night. So the pickings will be slim when it comes to seeing him. He is missing Christmas, our 6 month and New Year's Eve. And then I am missing Valentine's Day. I guess we will need a weekend away soon to make up for it. =]

I am stressing about tuition and down payment stuff, but I am looking forward to the Spring semester, and I am hoping that it will not be a terribly painful 15 weeks.

Nap time for the kiddos and cleaning time for me.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


We did it.

We officially put in a bid on the house. Today. I am stoked. We went in at $55,000. Now it is just a game of sit and wait. We will know somewhere between 30 and 90 days before we know whether or not our offer is accepted. Fingers crossed.

In other news:
Brian, David and I are hosting a White Elephant Party on Saturday. We spent a lot of the evening cleaning and getting ready for it. This included acquiring a table for beer pong.

Oh the things we try to fit in my car

We definitely put a seven foot by three foot board in my Ford Focus Hatchback. Ain't got no room restriction stopping us.

The theme of the party is "As Seen on T.V.", so it should be a lot of fun. I am not anticipating getting much sleep, but as long as we can manage to keep from having things broken, I will be happy. I am doing some baking for it tomorrow and last minute decorating type things and then we should be good to go.

Last note of the night:
Our house has officially launched our Christmas spirit. We put up the tree tonight. Everyone except for David has either gotten or knows about their gifts, and actually, he received his gift from his girlfriend already. Brian says I "ruined" Christmas, but I am thrilled with my present, now it just needs to get here.

Brian complains about everything

The cat is intrigued about our new addition to the living room

Brian diligently working on the tree

The boys get excited about decorating

David in his festive (toe) socks and new Rays hat

The tree has now been up for a grand total of fifteen minutes and we have had to get Athena out of the tree, and many of the ornaments scatter the ground. Woohoo! Holidays!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Remember LiveJournal?

Remember when LiveJournal was the "it" thing?
Now it is blogs I suppose.
Diaries are usually private, but nowadays, Facebook and other social networking encourage once private thoughts to be publicized. And why not, everyone needs an outlet.

When looking through my archives of letters, LiveJournal posts and other attempted diaries and blogs, I am reminded of why it is important to document those moments. They can be so monumental at the time, and they lose their clarity in recollection... It is nice to be able to relive important moments in their entirety, rather than as a passing shadow. Hence the start of this blog.

As 2011 winds to a close, I can positively say that it has been an earth shaking year. It has taken 11 months and 11 days to get here, but I am in a much better place in the end.

Much of this blog will revolve around the mundane and to me, the exciting.

My big news: Brian and I are buying a house.

I am super excited.

The advent of this however, is a big task to undertake.

I have gone back to Subway and am consequently working between 40-50 hours nannying and 20-40 at Subway. I keep telling myself it will be worth it when we have that house.
We have looked at a couple of houses and have had some great help from friend and real estate agent Katie Tucker. Of the three we looked at, we clearly found a gem that is few and far between.
Instead of looking at houses first and getting pre-qualified and whatnot, Brian and I set a price cap of $50,000 and then looked at listings. We are looking at this as an investment and hope to pay it off in 5 years or less.

About the houses we saw:

House #1:
It was near campus and was a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house.
The bedrooms were small and the house was built in 1951.... Ergo, it had no central heat and individual gas heaters in all of the rooms. There were original hardwood floors, but there was definite termite damage in the flooring. The kitchen would have had to be gutted and there was some water damage to the ceiling. The backyard was clearly the gem of the property. This house was a little over our heads for what we are wanting to do.

House #2
This was a 2/2.5 Townhome.
It was like a ray of hope, illuminating the path to investing. The house itself was pretty perfect. It had a big kitchen, porch and utility room, and a backyard. It needs cosmetic work like new flooring, paint, new screening on the porch, and an updated kitchen, but it is screaming of potential. It is a short sale, so it is owned by the bank and listed for about 1/2 of its current market value.

House #3 
This was a 4/4 Townhome.
We had only to open the door to understand this home's $41,500 price tag.
It was literally as though the people had trashed the house in the worst way possible when the bank took it. There was no flooring, upstairs or down, the walls were filled with holes from the taking of copper wire, the windows were broken and the place was pretty utterly uninhabitable.

Now, on to WHY we are buying a house.
I honestly think that it is a smart financial plan. Currently I am throwing away rent that I will never see a return on. Putting money into a mortgage brings a return on equity. Not only that, but at the price range in which we are looking at, it provides a short term monetary obligation. All of the houses we chose to look at were being sold for well under market value and had been sold for much more in the past. The surrounding properties in the area were likewise, being sold for much more than the bank listed properties. We still have a lot of research to do before we know whether or not we will rent or sell after we own the property.
As of now, we are waiting for my boss's accountant to provide my employment verification so that we can put an offer on house #2. From there, because it is a short sale, we will have to wait 60-90 days to even know if our offer has been accepted. After that, it is 30-45 days to close on the house.

It will be highly disappointing if we do not get the house after such a long process. On the plus side, we will have more money in the bank for the next property we decide to try for, and every attempt is more experience in the hazards of real estate investment. I hope that this first property, whichever it ends up being, is just the first of many in that we invest into.

Now onto the mundane.

Life is very comfortable for me right now. Brian, David and I all work as a wonderfully cohesive little family. I feel more at home in Tallahassee than I ever have, although I don't know if that is a good thing.
Even though we live together, I do not get a ton of time with Brian, we both work so much, and opposite schedules. Our time together ends up being couponing and garage saling. It is a good way to spend time together and we both enjoy it..

Speaking of couponing. I try to coupon like a fiend. Every weekend. I save at least $200 a month. I also have an excessive stockpile of toilet paper, toothpaste, shaving cream, shampoo and conditioner and razors. Things like this make me excited. I am probably a little weird for that.

Back to entrepreneurial enterprises:
In July, I opened an Etsy shop (KGCustomcrochet). I have sold two blankets and just received an order for a third. I am excited about getting my work out there and actually making some money on it. It is very satisfying to feel appreciated.

One more important nugget in my life.
I started talking to my biological father in September. His name is Ron. It has been a rewarding, if somewhat awkward journey so far. He really wants to build a relationship with me. One day at a time, but I thankful for the opportunity.

Until next time, during work and all day every day, I will be in quest of not some beach, but this one.