Friday, February 17, 2012

Winter Wonderland

Jackson Hole, Wyoming
I have spent the last week in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, just above the Teton Village and right at the base of the Teton Mountain range. I have never been farther west than Texas and the farthest north that I have ever ventured is Maryland. The NW, in the winter was a completely new experience. When I landed, the first thing I noticed was that there were dogs in the airport. You know, just chilling. I saw bird dogs, a shepard and little yappy things. I soon discovered that Jaskson Hole is a cowboy town. Although, what did I expect...I am in Wyoming.
Beyond that, it was beautiful beyond belief. I spent eight days here and I still felt like I was in a fairy tale...or more accurately, as though I was intruding on a movie set. I have tons of breath taking pictures, and I intend to share an album's worth, you will not be visually unsatisfied with this post.

Winter Wonderland right?

So the setting was serene and perfect. My time here was not. Any Tadlocks who read this, please do not be offended, I mean no harm.

I really did not enjoy my time in Wyoming. It had fun parts, but mostly I felt trapped. It was pretty terrible. I love the girls and I love the Tadlock family but if I could take my week back, I would. I missed Valentine's with Brian and I spent most of my time inside.

But onto the good stuff.

I did build my first snowman.

I also pulled the girls in a high altitude, but they had fun.

I also got to explore the town some with my best friend.

I have missed Courtney so much, I really have not seen much of her at ALL since I stopped working for her family. I think I am going through withdrawals. I am used to seeing her and talking to her everyday. She is an amazing friend. There are many things that I can thank the Tadlocks for during my employment with them, just knowing their family and their story is one of them...I have made friends with Jena and Mike, Meme and Granddadddy, and Pam and Dale and I treasure that, but for sure, I am most thankful for gaining a friend who truly knows how to be the verb and not just the noun.

Annnd I made my first "snow fort" aka, we dug a big hole and sat in it.

It was a pretty big hole and this was actually a lot of fun. The area we decided to build it was mostly was in an area where no one had walked since it started snowing, however long ago.  I sunk in the snow up to my thigh...lots of effort to get over to our intended site of demolition. Bella, sweet thing that she is, was a helpful director with instructions like "Work harder Kiki", and "make the walls" and "build it better". She is going to be a great girlfriend to someone someday.

I also got the *chance* to try and ski but the equipment was not mine and it did not end up going as planned.
So instead, I went up in the lift and was witness to an amazing view.

 It was pretty fantastic.

Valentine's Day
This was not a good day for me. Not because it was Valentine's Day persay, but because I just did not want to be in Wyoming. Valentine's Day has never particularly special to me... Lemur and I only ever spent one Valentine's Day together in the entire five years that we dated ...The 4th of July was always our Valentine's. So I was not particularly upset about missing that. I was upset about the eight days, Valentine's included. I miss Brian so much. I really cannot wait to be home with him. He sat on skype with me and chatted with me whenever I wanted. I know it seems silly, but I am so used to being able to talk to and kiss and lay next to Brian whenever I want. So being away sucked, but he proved once again, what an amazing boyfriend he is, he doesn't get annoyed at me for texting or wanting to skype or calling him. Yes, it was only eight days, but he was very indulgent of my neediness. He has never once told me that I am too needy or been annoyed at me wanting to be close to him, he genuinely enjoys my company, and for that quality alone, I would not trade him for anything. Not even my own Buffalo Wild Wings Franchise.

My handsome Valentine.

Always and Forever.

One last view of Wyoming:

A perfect setting. I don't think I could ever get tired of looking at Wyoming, I didn't even mind the bone-chilling temperatures because they were sans humidity, and having the right kind of coat helps.

I really hope that Brian and I can take a winter vacation to somewhere like this in the next couple of years and attempt to hit the slopes in our own right. I also look forward to this because I know that we would be able to take in the scenery in true fashion, as my baby is always up for an adventure. =)

I had hoped that the next time that I updated, it would be to inform everyone that Brian and I are homeowners, alas, it has not happened yet. We have received multiple unfulfilled promises and vague e-mails saying things like "The file is up for marketing review".... Entirely unhelpful. The 15th of February marked two months since we put in our initial offer. Maybe the NEXT post will be about our journey garnering some closure.

I have had a week and a half as a manager...and then eight days off. My first week was a flurry of crazy. I worked over 60 hours and a lot of it was office type stuff.... Trying to organize the store and talk to employees and whatnot. It was also that start of "$5 Footlongs". Let me tell you how excited I was to under-order on my first truck. This is definitely going to be a learning experience but I am happy so far. It was just really hard to start, implement new rules and then try to enforce them from 1500 miles away. to impossible. I am still getting into the swing of things, however, overall, I would much prefer it to late nights at the store I was at before. Plus, come on, I like being the boss. I am good at it. =)

Off to pack. Florida, I have missed you.